Monday, February 21, 2011


Welcome to the CLA Tulsa Chapter Blog! What is the CLA you ask? The Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is an association that serves more than 9,000 members working in more than 4,500 organizations worldwide. The former Christian Management Association and the former Christian Stewardship Association joined together in April 2008 to create Christian Leadership Alliance—the nation's leading resource for enhancing the organizational effectiveness of churches and para-church ministries.

The CLA seeks to build the body of Christ by building people—enhancing the effectiveness of Christian organizations and large churches. We recognize that organizational effectiveness begins with individuals, and that the role of the leader as a faithful steward belongs to all who are called to serve through governance, leadership, management or resource development. In our information saturated age, multitudes of leadership books and management seminars exist. Sorting through this deluge of data is the job of CLA.